Photos of Nov, 2023

In August, I had a paragliding accident and crashed. It was big accident but some how I managed to survive, and I was able to be discharged safely in early November. Since leaving the hospital, I have been working on rehub.

So, I walk almost every day.

Well, "almost" because, My body has not fully recovered to the point where I can walk normally. There are days when my ankles hurt a lot, and there are days when my legs don't move as I want them to. Because my tolerance is low, on bad days, my capabilities are quite limited. On such days, I've learned that it's best to take it easy and not push myself too

Anyway, whenever I go out for a walk, I always carry a camera and take photos along the way. Here are the photos.

Without further ado, please take a look!


Photos of June, 2023